Cricket AI
All the tools you need to build the best fantasy teams.
Auto-generated teams
Get algorithm suggested teams specially optimized for Grand leagues and
Small leagues.
Players statistics
Find your perfect player by viewing detailed information of every
Venue Reports
Understand the pitch performance to select the players as per the pitch
Fantasy score analysis
Know the chances of your teams making it to the winning zone without
spending a single penny.
Intuitive use
We keep up with changes in the world of cricket and regularly update our
algorithm to keep you one step ahead of the competition.
Protecting your account
We know how important security is. Cricket AI minimises the risks
associated with possible account lockout by using secure methods and
Accuracy and analytics
Our AI analyses millions of data including player stats, news, and even
weather forecasts to offer you the best options for your lineup.
Constant updates
You don't have to be a technical genius to take advantage of Cricket AI.
All you need to do is select your parameters and our AI will do the
Why choose Cricket AI?
Cricket AI is a system that analyses data and helps create lineups for fantasy players. It
is the result of years of research, testing and refinements we have done to create the
perfect product for fantasy players.
Try out our updated tools to improve your fantasy skills.
Free access to cutting-edge AI and ML tools for optimised fantasy sports lineup generation
Coming soon